Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"My Favorite Beer Is Bud Light"

I was at an event with my girlfriend about a week ago when someone had told me this. Let me back up a second. The event was a Proclamation, one of my favorite breweries, and this was an older gentleman. He looked at the draft list in bewilderment, not knowing what to order or even what the beers were. I was standing next to him when he asked if I had tried any of the beers on the list and due to my frequent patronage to Proclamation I had. I first asked if he liked hoppy beer and was greeted with a blank stare. I knew that I was dealing with someone who was use to the shallow end of the beer pool. Knowing this I reverted to a a tried and true question, "what is your favorite beer to drink?" This will almost always unlock the perfect recommendation because you can just pair that beer's style with the next closest available and it typically will yield a great result. However, his answer was the title of this post.

As I saw it I was faced with roughly two options: (1) roll my eyes/make some other distasteful remark and go by to order my beer or (2) try to help someone who was a pure novice to this beautiful world of craft beer. I elected to do the latter and recommended 'Flummox' a pilsner that is a pretty good beer and a great pilsner. I saw him a few minutes later and asked what he thought and he really liked it. Then as I sipped by 'Cocoboi' (probably my second favorite stout from them, slightly behind 'Moon Destroyer') I told him about the big and beautiful world he had just become a part of and gave a few other beers to try.

While I am DEFINITELY guilty of judging other peoples tastes, since working at a liquor store after Law School I grew to appreciate giving a hand to those who may not know the vast world of craft beer. I stop to think of myself a in college as a newly 21 year old trying his first craft beer and realizing just how good it is giving that feeling to another is awesome and if you are presented such an opportunity I hope that you take it.